May Presidents Message

Hello Members,
Hope this finds you well.
We have not been able to secure a speaker for the May Zoom meeting so the meeting is canceled. If anyone knows of an artist who is willing to speak at one of our meetings, please let me know.
Hopefully, we are emerging from the worst of COVID. It is no longer considered to be in a pandemic stage. Now that restrictions are lifting and we’re all vaccinated and boosted, it is somewhat safer to meet in public. Starting in September, we will resume in-person meetings at the Manchester Police Department Community Room located at 405 Valley Street, Manchester, NH. More details will be forthcoming.
  1. The Massabesic Audubon Center has recently reopened with a new Director. They are looking forward to hosting an exhibit by MAA in the October/November time frame. More details will be forthcoming over the summer.
  1. The Manchester Citywide Arts Festival will be a program of diverse and accessible events from theater, fine art, literature, comedy, music, and dance. The festival will run from September 12-18, 2022 and will culminate in a two day street fair in the Opera Block of Hanover Street on Saturday and Sunday, September 17 & 18, from 10am-5pm and 10am-4pm respectively. Artists will be assigned a 10×10 space (no electricity available) and will be required to provide their own professional display as well as a fire proof EZ Up style tent. Selected artists are required to participate in both days of the street fair. All wares must be original to the artist who applies.
   Fees: Artists living in the Greater Manchester Area*- $100 for both days (9/17/22 &
    9/18/22. All other Artists- $130 for both days (9/17/22 & 9/18/22)
    *Greater Manchester Area includes the towns of Auburn, Candia, Hooksett, Londonderry,
    Litchfield, Merrimack, Bedford, Goffstown and Dunbarton.
    If you require an application, please contact Laura Zorawowicz at
    Applications will be subject to a jurying process and you will be notified of your acceptance
    into the fair by June 15, 2022. A contract will be sent upon acceptance and payment will be
    due by July 1, 2022. If you have any questions, please email Mail applications with any submissions to: Laura
    Zorawowicz, Festival Director, 80 Hanover Street, Manchester, NH 03101.

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